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1652 Favorite iPhone Apps (Dec. 21, 2016)

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Show Notes

Apple's accessibility web page is a useful resource for people with any disability including blindness or low vision. The page can be found at:

The AppleVis web site is another valueable resource for people with vision problems using Apple products. On the site you can find reviews, discussions, app recommendations, and a user forum that can be used for asking questions or offering advice. The AppleVis site can be found at:
You can also follow AppleVis on Twitter: @AppleVis

Additional information on the accessibility features of iOS devices and how to use them can be found at the Triple-click Home web page at:
You can also follow Triple-click Home on Twitter: Twitter: @tripleclickhome

Below are links to previous episodes of Eyes On Success that might be of interest. Click on the appropriate link to find a summary of the desired episode along with links to the audio and show notes for that episode.

Episodes of EOS about using iPhones and other Apple devices with VoiceOver.

Episodes of EOS about using Android smart phones

Episodes of EOS about various blind friendly apps for iOS

Episode of EOS about how EOS is created each week