The Communications Act and FCC regulations allow non-commercial radio and television stations to acknowledge contributions on the air in the form of underwriting announcements. These announcements may not promote the sale of goods and services for for-profit entities, and must not interrupt regular programming.
These announcements may be made for identification purposes only, and must not promote the contributor’s products, services or company. Therefore an underwriting credit may not contain:
FCC guidelines do permit underwriting announcements to include:
Radio Underwriting credits are up to 20 seconds in length. Music and sound effects may not be used in radio underwriting credits. A telephone number OR a web address may be mentioned once in a credit. Numbers and addresses may not spell out a call to action such as 1-800-CALL-NOW, or a qualitative claim such as
The FCC has provided several examples of announcements that violate the regulations:
Sample Copy:
"Support for this program comes from West Lake Conservators, specializing in the conservation of paintings, frames, textiles, photographs and paper. Preserving family and public collections for more than 30 years… protecting tomorrow’s treasures, today. West-Lake-Conservators-dot-com"
"Support for this program comes from One World Goods, a fair trade gift shop in Pittsford Plaza that has hand crafted seasonal items from artisans around the world. Purchases provide income for our global neighbors. One World Goods, the gift that gives twice."