We are excited to announce that, as of January 2025, there have been nearly 1,500,000 accumulated downloads from the Eyes On Success archives since the inception of the show.
With over 700 unique episodes in the searchable archives listeners are able to easily find shows of interest on a wide range of topics.
Use the search field on our web site to find shows by topic, keyword, or show number.
Just enter terms like "employment", "science", "pioneer", "sports", etc. to find a summary of matching shows including links to the audio and show notes for those episodes.
You can also search by an individual's name, specific profession or sport, as well as for interviews we've done with your favorite organizations.
If you search for "EOS_show", you'll find the episodes in which we talked about Eyes On Success or its hosts.
We hope you find this resource useful as it continues to grow.
Become a sponsor of Eyes On Success and:
Promote awareness of your organization, services, or products through a weekly on air audio announcement.
Direct your message to a targeted audience of thousands of visually impaired people around the world.
Reach people who listen via traditional "over the air" radio reading services, Internet streaming services, or subscribe to podcasts.
Help maintain and grow the searchable archive of over 700 episodes covering topics ranging from employment, new technology, recreation, travel, and much more.
Support the mission of Eyes On Success to share stories about how others have overcome challenges, news on technologies that impact the lives of the visually impaired, interviews with leaders in the field of assistive technologies, and more.
Below are some common questions that potential sponsors may have. Click on the appropriate links to see more.
What makes Eyes On Success different from other audio content for the visually impaired?
Eyes On Success is not only available as a podcast or download from our site but is also aired by a number of traditional radio reading services. The show is also streamed by several internet streaming services geared toward the visually impaired. In addition people can also listen to the show on their smart home devices by simply saying "play the Eyes On Success podcast".
The program features a wide range of topics of interest to the visually impaired. Previous episodes have included detailed descriptions of adaptive equipment and applications such as screen readers and portable Braille displays, discussions of various accessible reading materials, personal stories of engaging in extreme sports and hobbies, interviews with leaders in the blindness community, and more. There's something for everyone on Eyes On Success. Check out past episodes in the searchable show archive on our web site.
Unlike many other podcasts that seem to “ramble on”, each episode of Eyes On Success is highly edited and produced in order to maximize the information content, make the show enjoyable, and ensure a quality result. In addition, the strict half hour format has enabled Eyes On Success to fit into the program schedule for traditional radio reading service broadcasters that air the show, thus broadening the listener base.
Most other shows that air on radio reading services consist of somebody reading previously available copyrighted material. In contrast,
each episode of Eyes On Success is fresh material, including interviews with experts in the field of accessibility, representatives of
companies that offer adaptive products or individuals with fascinating personal stories to tell. Listeners often compliment us on our
lively and engaging conversational style.
The show has aired weekly now for over 13 years, adding up to nearly 700 unique half-hour episodes.
The web site
is routinely updated and contains a full searchable archive of all previous episodes.
The search feature on our web site enables visitors to find summaries, show notes, and the audio for episodes by show number, keyword, or topic.
Since it is difficult for some listeners to remember or write down phone numbers, e-mail, links, and other contact information heard during the show, each episode is accompanied by a link to show notes on the web site that contain these items.
The American Foundation for The Blind (AFB) VisionAware chose Eyes On Success as the Featured Service of the Month in December of 2015. For more information see:
Eyes On Success in AFB VisionAware directory
The show received the 2012 and 2016 and 2017 IAAIS (International Association of Audio Information Services) “program of the year” award. The IAAIS represents over 140 services throughout the United States and in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Africa.
The hosts were awarded WXXI Radio’s “Producer’s Award” for the show in 2011.
The hosts and producers, Peter and Nancy Torpey, have Ph.D.’s in Physics and retired from Xerox Corporation where they both worked as research scientists for many years. Pete has been blind since birth and Nancy is fully sighted. As retirees, we do this both for enjoyment and as a public service. Accordingly sponsorship funds will go toward defraying operating expenses such as hosting and podcasting services, maintaining and updating recording and production equipment and software, expanding the listener base, travel and admission fees to blindness-related shows and conferences, etc.
The program is carried over the air by a number of traditional radio reading services aimed at a print impaired audience.
The podcasts have been downloaded in over 100 countries around the world.
The program is carried by several internet streaming services geared to the visually impaired including The Global Voice and iBlink Radio.
The program is also carried by the
Talking Information Center, that services over 23,000 elderly and disabled listeners and also distribute the show to additional radio reading services.
The diversity of distribution methods enables Eyes On Success to reach an audience that includes people who listen to traditional radio reading services as well as those who are generally more technically oriented and prefer to listen by downloading podcasts or listening over the internet.
We average over 10,000 downloads of shows from our archives per month. Individual episodes typically average approximately 1,500 downloads within the first several weeks of airing.
What can I expect as a sponsor of Eyes On Success?
Sponsors can promote their organization and services with a weekly “on air” audio message in the show. Since the show is aired over many public broadcasting services, “on air” promotions are subject to certain restrictions (see the
“Underwriting Guidelines”
Sponsors can also promote their organization and services with a text notice on our web site.
As a sponsor you will be able to reach a targeted audience of visually impaired people around the world as well as professionals who work with visually impaired people. The distribution network is meant to capture a diverse audience base which spans a wide range of ages, technical abilities, and backgrounds.
As a sponsor you will also be supporting traditional radio reading services by enabling us to continue providing them with content that has been well-received by the visually impaired community. Help us improve this service, reach more visually impaired listeners, and continue to provide a quality experience!
If you would like to discuss becoming a sponsor of Eyes On Success to promote your organization or services, please send an e-mail to
We will work with you to design a sponsorship plan for “on air” audio promotional messages that will meet your promotional goals and reflect your interest in fostering this effort. Note: Since the show is aired over many public broadcasting services, “on air” promotional messages must be consistent with the
“Underwriting Guidelines”.
Rates for airing promotional items on Eyes On Success vary according to the duration of the campaign. Quotes are available upon request.
Those whose mission and/or budgets allow them to be more generous supporters of Eyes On Success will be noted as “Major Supporters” in the audio portion of the show as well as on the web site.
Since our main goals are improving the listener experience and expanding the reach of the show to others in the visually impaired community we are also open to other arrangements that will both foster these goals and benefit your organization. If you have other ideas on how you would like to support Eyes On Success just let us know!
Funding for the show can be accepted either by a check, Venmo, or via the PayPal button on our home page.
If you have any other questions or would like to pursue becoming a sponsor, send an e-mail to:
We are grateful to the many organizations who have supported Eyes On Success by running promotional items about their products, services and resources targeted to the visually impaired community including:
e-mail: hosts@EyesOnSuccess.net